Authors in Mallorca

Simon Kenion Shears - The Fitness Author

Jan Edwards / Simon Kenion Shears Season 2 Episode 6

Simon Kenion Shears describes himself as a ‘fitness polymath’. Born in Manchester, he moved to Mallorca as a young boy. He attended boarding school in Dublin and graduated from the University of St Andrews in Scotland with an MA in Philosophy.

He worked as a scientific research technician for the Centre for Whale Research of Western Australia before moving to Germany. He started writing his book ‘Working (it) Out’ in 2015 in Hamburg, where he also began CrossFit coaching.

Since returning to Mallorca four years ago, Simon has continued to work on his debut book, alongside being a personal and group trainer and a fitness mentor. He writes a regular column for the ‘Majorca Daily Bulletin’ and contributes articles to the website 'Medium'.

Simon is now in the process of seeking a literary agent with a view to publication of his book. In this episode he talks about his writing process, the book he may write next, and more. 

For more information about Simon’s book ‘Working (it) Out’, see his website.

Read articles by Simon Kenion Shears published on ‘Medium’ and in the ‘Majorca Daily Bulletin'. 

With thanks to the Mallorca Academy of Performing Arts for allowing ‘Authors in Mallorca’ to record this interview at their studio in Santa Maria, Mallorca. 

COMPOSER: Jack Waldenmaier
PUBLISHER: Music Bakery Publishing (BMI)

The novel ‘Daughter of Deià’ by podcast host Jan Edwards is available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle formats.